PkHonor Discord



Shattered Cannon sale

Talk to the travelling salesman in Varrock
2025-03-07 08:00 UTC (17d)

AFK Chair sale

Talk to the travelling salesman in Varrock
2025-03-07 08:00 UTC (17d)


Lottery tickets cost 6m instead of 8m
2025-03-12 03:00 UTC (3h)
2025-03-12 11:00 UTC (3h)
2025-03-12 19:00 UTC (3h)

Double mining & smithing XP

Double mining & smithing XP
2025-03-14 08:00 UTC (3d)

Double pet drops

Double droprates on all boss pets
2025-03-14 08:00 UTC (3d)

Recent Topics

Temp fix for being unable to type in public chat
in Other Guides
by Khilla
on Tue Mar 11, 2025 6:06 am
Add Remaining Clue Scroll Rewards
in Propose Ideas
by PkHonor
on Thu Mar 06, 2025 10:54 pm
Let admins reset slayer streak
in Propose Ideas
by PkHonor
on Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:14 am
4 March Updates: New dev system, donator sale events & various improvements
in News
by Rapsey
on Tue Mar 04, 2025 11:24 pm
2025 Wishlist
in Discuss Ideas
by Iron adam
on Mon Mar 03, 2025 4:28 am


4 March Updates: New dev system, donator sale events & various improvements

by Rapsey » Tue Mar 04, 2025 11:24 pm


New development system

At long last the new development system I've been working on is finally ready and has been put into use, Hurray!

I will spare you the boring technical details. In summary, the new system:
  • allows developers to work with less hassle and obstacles in their way, speeding up development
  • enables content to be released more quickly after it's implemented and more frequently
  • makes it trivial for developers to run public test servers with up-to-date database snapshots from the live server
  • is a big step towards making it possible for @Raj to release updates autonomously
This will be the first update deployed with the new system, so cross your fingers and knock on your wooden desk.

Travelling salesman events

Every now and then the travelling salesman will grace us with his presence. These donator sales will keep happening at random intervals and will be announced in the same way as every other upcoming event (i.e. through the homepage, ::events and in-game announcements). They will not always be announced with news posts since they happen automatically.

To start off with there are two sale events, but more will be added down the road:
  • The AFK chair sale, an account perk which lets you set your AFK chair color to red, blue, the default white, or the one you have in your POH. The perk costs 25k credits (event lasts 2 weeks by default)
  • The Shattered Cannon Ornament Kit sale, which converts all 4 cannon pieces with just 1 kit and costs 7,500 credits. (event lasts 1 week by default)
Both events will run in parallel for a little over 2 weeks, from Friday March 7th up to and including Sunday March 23rd.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Other improvements
Credit to @Raj for:
  • Added donator sale events for customizable AFK chairs and the Shattered Cannon ornament kit.
  • A keybindings option has been added to remap number keys to function keys.
  • Added the Book of Darkness and Ancient Robes to the list of Zaros items for GWD protection.
  • The Nylocas boss will now drop the Nylocas pet at a 1/500 rate.
  • Beer barrels in POH's will fill all the beer glasses in a player's inventory at once.
  • Dragon arrowtips have been added to Brimstone chests with the same drop rates and quantities as dragon darts.
  • The expeditious enhancement percentage chance per perk tier has been increased from 2% to 8%. See viewtopic.php?f=134&t=86033.
  • The Ring of Suffering and its imbued variant will now return the rings of recoil when uncharged. Some text was improved for clarity. Players should free to report text issues when charging/uncharging various charged items.
  • The multi-logging restriction has been removed from the Nightmare.
  • The LMS minimum player requirement has been reduced to 2.
Credit to @Mike for:
  • Admin+ can now restore players' HCIM status with a command.
  • Prevented COX killcounts from counting as doubled when claiming COX capes.
  • HCIM crowns are now updated immediately on death.
  • The LMS lobby is now a safe area when dying.
  • Picking up Dawnbringer should no longer cause the "no banking" TOB achievement to fail.
  • Attempted a fix for removing guardians in POHs.
  • The Black Kiteshield (t) has been added to easy clue rewards.


Saradomin GWD - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Sat Feb 22, 2025 6:27 pm


Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This weekend we will be killing Commander Zilyana. Commander Zilyana can be found in the God Wars Dungeon. Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly to Saradomin's Encampment.

This event features 3 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Pet drop rate
  • No Killcount Requirement

If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 5,000 kills

Personal goal: 20,000 damage

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Dragon defender
  • 300 Frost dragon bones
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Dragon defender
  • 300 Frost dragon bones

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  2. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  3. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  4. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  5. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  6. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  7. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  8. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  9. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  10. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  2. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  3. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  4. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  5. 1 Saradomin halo, 1 Staff of light, 1 Imbued saradomin cape, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil
  6. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  7. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  8. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  9. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones
  10. 1 Staff of light, 1 Elysian sigil, 1 Arcane sigil, 1,000 Frost dragon bones


Lost Souls - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:04 pm

Image This event takes place in the wilderness. Participate at your own risk! Image
Image Image Image Image

Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This week we will be setting free Lost Souls. Lost Souls can be found all over the wilderness but will be easier to find if you acquire the Lost Souls Clue Scroll from Death located by the wilderness ditch. During this event all players will be able to use the ::event command which will teleport you somewhere into the wilderness.

This event features 2 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Slayer Points
  • Double PkHonor Points
If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 1,500 kills

Personal goal: 20,000 damage

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1,000 Raw karambwan
  • 1 Vesta's chainbody
  • 1 Vesta's plateskirt
  • 1 Dragon defender
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Void melee set
  • 1 Void mage helm
  • 1 Void ranger helm

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  2. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  3. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  4. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  5. 5 Vesta's chainbody, 5 Vesta's plateskirt, 5 Morrigan's leather body, 5 Zuriel's robe bottom, 5 Zuriel's robe top
  6. 4 Vesta's chainbody, 4 Vesta's plateskirt, 4 Morrigan's leather body, 4 Zuriel's robe bottom, 4 Zuriel's robe top
  7. 4 Vesta's chainbody, 4 Vesta's plateskirt, 4 Morrigan's leather body, 4 Zuriel's robe bottom, 4 Zuriel's robe top
  8. 4 Vesta's chainbody, 4 Vesta's plateskirt, 4 Morrigan's leather body, 4 Zuriel's robe bottom, 4 Zuriel's robe top
  9. 3 Vesta's chainbody, 3 Vesta's plateskirt, 3 Morrigan's leather body, 3 Zuriel's robe bottom, 3 Zuriel's robe top
  10. 3 Vesta's chainbody, 3 Vesta's plateskirt, 3 Morrigan's leather body, 3 Zuriel's robe bottom, 3 Zuriel's robe top

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  2. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  3. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  4. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  5. 1 Salve amulet, 10,000 Revenant ether, 1 Craw's bow (u), 1 Thammaron's sceptre (u), 1 Viggora's chainmace (u)
  6. 1 Salve amulet
  7. 1 Salve amulet
  8. 1 Salve amulet
  9. 1 Salve amulet
  10. 1 Salve amulet


Kalphite Queen - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:04 am


Welcome back to the latest community bossing event. This weekend we will be exterminating the Kalphite Queen. The Kalphite Queen can be found in her lair in the Kharidian Desert. The KQ can be reached by using the Monsters Teleport. Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly into the lair.

This event features 2 major perks:
  • +20% drop rates
  • Double Pet drop rate

If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 2,000 kills

Personal goal: 20,000 damage

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1,000 Raw karambwan
  • 1,000 Super potion set
  • 1,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  • 1,000 Dragon arrowtips
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 100 Overload(4)
  • 1,000 Toadflax potion (unf)
  • 5,000 Coal
  • 2,000 Gold ore

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 10,000 Raw karambwan, 10,000 Super potion set, 10,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 10,000 Dragon arrowtips
  2. 9,000 Raw karambwan, 9,000 Super potion set, 9,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 9,000 Dragon arrowtips
  3. 8,000 Raw karambwan, 8,000 Super potion set, 8,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 8,000 Dragon arrowtips
  4. 7,000 Raw karambwan, 7,000 Super potion set, 7,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 7,000 Dragon arrowtips
  5. 6,000 Raw karambwan, 6,000 Super potion set, 6,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 6,000 Dragon arrowtips
  6. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  7. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  8. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  9. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips
  10. 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Super potion set, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf), 5,000 Dragon arrowtips

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have dealt the most damage will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1,000 Overload(4), 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 50,000 Coal, 10,000 Gold ore
  2. 900 Overload(4), 9,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 45,000 Coal, 9,000 Gold ore
  3. 800 Overload(4), 8,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 40,000 Coal, 8,000 Gold ore
  4. 700 Overload(4), 7,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 35,000 Coal, 7,000 Gold ore
  5. 600 Overload(4), 6,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 30,000 Coal, 6,000 Gold ore
  6. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  7. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  8. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  9. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore
  10. 500 Overload(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 25,000 Coal, 5,000 Gold ore


Theatre of Blood - Community PvM event

by Iron adam » Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:53 pm


Welcome back to the latest community PvM event. This weekend we will be performing at the Theatre of Blood. The Theatre of Blood can be accessed in the by using the teleport in the minigame tab of your spellbook. Throughout this event all players will be able to use the ::event command to teleport directly outside the theatre.

This event features 2 major perks:
  • +20% purple chest and design notes chance
  • Double Pet Drop Rate
If you are unfamiliar with community events or how they work, please refer to our Zamorak GWD event announcement post.

Starts in:

Ends in:

Community goal: 400 kills

Personal goal: 5 kills

Rewards for completing the personal goal (only if the community goal is reached)

For regular accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Dharok's armour set
  • 1 Dragon defender
For ironman accounts:
Spoiler: show
  • 1 Dharok's armour set
  • 1 Dragon defender

Top 10 competition for regular accounts

The top 10 regular accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1,000 Overload(4), 1,000 Super prayer(4), 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 10,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  2. 900 Overload(4), 900 Super prayer(4), 9,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 9,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  3. 800 Overload(4), 800 Super prayer(4), 8,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 8,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  4. 700 Overload(4), 700 Super prayer(4), 7,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 7,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  5. 600 Overload(4), 600 Super prayer(4), 6,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 6,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  6. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  7. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  8. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  9. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  10. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)

Top 10 competition for ironman accounts

The top 10 ironman accounts who have gotten the most kills will earn an additional reward.
Spoiler: show
  1. 1,000 Overload(4), 1,000 Super prayer(4), 10,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 10,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  2. 900 Overload(4), 900 Super prayer(4), 9,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 9,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  3. 800 Overload(4), 800 Super prayer(4), 8,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 8,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  4. 700 Overload(4), 700 Super prayer(4), 7,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 7,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  5. 600 Overload(4), 600 Super prayer(4), 6,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 6,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  6. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  7. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  8. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  9. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)
  10. 500 Overload(4), 500 Super prayer(4), 5,000 Toadflax potion (unf), 5,000 Raw karambwan, 5,000 Dragon arrowtips, 5,000 Dragon bolts (unf)