Hipster pk wrote:Ingame Name: Hipster Pk, Hipster Pure
Real Life Name: Isaac
Combat lvl: 120 (All I need to do is get 99 hp ad def, and I have bones for 99 prayer, so I will be 126 soon!)
Ancient Curses: No, but after I get maxed stats I will have enough P.K.P. to get them!
K/D Ratio: K : 0 D: 0 R : 0 (Obviously these are new accounts and I would rather max them before pking, I am decent pker though)
Bank Wealth: About 2B I believe but I make money fast!
Why you want to join: I want to join because this seems like a really good clan, the players in here are nice, and friendly, and because I want a clan chat with PvM and PvP.
Why should you be accepted?: I should be accepted because I can play a lot per day, so I can do most of the events, I can PvM and PvP too, as I love both. I have the gear for PvM and PvP too.
Are you currently in a clan?: No
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes
Accepted! I'll assign ingame rank.
Re incarnate wrote:Ingame Name: Re incarnate, player019328, x lithium
Real Life Name: kyle
Combat lvl: 125-126-126
Ancient Curses: temp/perm/perm
K/D Ratio: 2.19/2.5ish/4.7ish
Bank Wealth: like 140b
Why you want to join: Because swing sets a beast
Why should you be accepted?: Because I've got a lot of experience, i mean even if i do get accepted ally is fine.
Are you currently in a clan?: Maxed i think. i'm not sure haven't logged ingame for a while.
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes
Accepted! <3 Join 'Vitality' cc ingame!
Aphrodite wrote:Love your layout man!
Although I am in another clan, I wish you the best of luck.
Thank You! I spent a good amount of time on it. I plan on re-doing the layout in the future, maybe a few pictures of us deep, or maybe even once I start recording and editing our trips.