1. In-Game Name - The dergan (not able to use for a couple months) and Derganator
2. First Name - Dylan
3. Time Played - On "The dergan" about 1300 hours on "Derganator" i have no idea
4. Donator/Premium/Regular - Regular (not for long)
5. Pvmer , or Skiller - I am a Pvmer , Pker , and im getting over my staking addiction.
6. Pvm experience/Favorite boss - I have alot of pvm experience i love Bandos , armadyl , ect. you will also find me at crystal elfs alot also mithral dragons.
7. Who recommended you into the clan - I just always saw people in yell , people crashing me =p and i always thought it was a good clan for me.
8. Why do you wish to join? - I love to pvm , pk , and have conversations with people and i love to make new friends and just have a great time
- Dylan =]