Wilderness achievements & additions

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Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Mike » Tue May 23, 2017 9:52 pm

Now that Zulrah has been released and most bugs resolved (we'll make sure to make short work of any possible remaining ones), we've started working on more new content for the players to enjoy!

Donderstone2 has already been working on Callisto, a new wilderness boss (a bear) from OSRS. However, we need far more wilderness content than that if we want to get as many players into the wilderness as possible.

A deposit box in the resource area, along with bonus XP for any skill trained inside the wilderness (other than stuff like alching/crafting/herblore/...) would certainly prove helpful in that regard. However, I'm not sure about the exact bonus % yet.
I would also like to add Dark Crabs as food that can be fished only in the deep wilderness resource area. I would like to make one of the best foods, but with a unique benefit. In OSRS, they heal 22 (as much as manta rays) and their primary benefit is they weigh less. However, we have no weight factor on PkHonor and possibly never will since looking up all OSRS item weights may be too much work.
One idea I had is to make it heal the same as rocktails (23 HP), but without allowing you to go over your max HP and having another unique effect to make them worth it. Something fitting the concept of it being a "Dark" crab (which is only found in the deep wilderness), but I have not yet managed to come up with one. Something like a minor Zamorak Brew effect might be one idea, or perhaps a very short immunity against poison & venom. Could use some more suggestions.

As far as the Wilderness Achievement Diary is concerned, it will be a replacement for the current 500 killcount requirement for the Completionist Cape. Although this list is not yet final, most of the tasks have been worked out and just need to be coded into the game yet. Thankfully, achievements are relatively easy and fast to code in (certainly much faster than Zulrah).
If anyone has ideas for extra tasks that are not yet listed here (and cannot be too easily boosted), please post them here. If you have suggestions to improve on the current tasks, feel free to do so as well! As always, we welcome and appreciate any input and feedback, as long as it is done in a respectful and constructive manner ;)

The requirements are divided into 2 categories: PvP tasks and PvM/skilling tasks. Ironman Mode players do not have to complete the PvP tasks, but they will need to complete twice the amount of every PvM/skilling task. The idea is that the time and effort spent to complete the diary should be the same for Ironman Mode players and regular players, without forcing Ironmen to partake in PvP (except as prey for PK'ers).

The PvP tasks we have so far (not for Ironman):
  • Obtain a tier 7 Bounty Hunter emblem 4 times
  • Get 100 kills in Edgeville wilderness (up to level 5)
  • Get 100 kills near the mage bank
  • Deal 500 damage to players with a DFS special attack in the wilderness
  • Deal 100+ damage to 10 different people without leaving or logging
  • Get 50 kills using any full Barrows set (Edge/mage bank)
The PvM tasks so far are as follows (double of each for Ironman):
  • Obtain a clue scroll from the WildyWyrm
  • Obtain a Draconic Visage from the King Black Dragon
  • Obtain a Treasonous Ring from Venenatis
  • Obtain a Tyrannical Ring from Callisto
  • Obtain 1 of each God Cape from the Mage Arena
  • Obtain 4 pieces of PvP armour from Revenants
  • Obtain 40 Choc-Ice from Glacors in the wilderness
  • Obtain 100 Frost Dragon Bones in the wilderness
  • Obtain 300 Hand Cannon Shots from the Chaos Elemental
  • Obtain 300 regular Dragon Bones in the wilderness
  • Kill the WildyWyrm twice in a row without logging out or leaving the wilderness
  • Kill Venenatis 5 times in a row without logging out or leaving the wilderness
  • Kill the Chaos elemental 7 times without logging out or leaving the wilderness
  • Kill the King Black Dragon 10 times without logging out or leaving the wilderness
  • Kill the Chaos Elemental while always staying under 40 HP
  • Complete the Wilderness Agility course 100 times while wearing a spottier cape
  • Cut 500 magic logs in the wilderness
  • Fish 500 dark crabs in the wilderness
  • Mine 100 rune ore in the wilderness
  • Complete 20 clue scroll steps in the wilderness

We could certainly use some more PvP tasks, but the toughest issue is to prevent boosting. Players can always boost a PvP task if they really want to (and have enough friends to help them do it), but the least we can do is to try to make it more interesting and fun to just do it the way you're supposed to.

Also, each time we add new bosses or NPC's to the wilderness, we'll make sure to add entries for them to the achievement diary, until we've added all the bosses there are in the OSRS wild.

None of the listed tasks are currently recorded in PkHonor, meaning that at the time of release, everyone will have to do them from scratch. It also means that everyone will have their Completionist Cape unequipped until they have completed the diary.

I would like to add a unique reward to the completion of the wilderness achievement diary (other than being able to re-equip a comp cape if you have one), but so far have fallen short on one. We do have the TokHaar-Kal cape, and since we don't have the Fight Kiln from RS3, we could use that as a reward, but more capes are getting kinda boring. Maybe another item. Or maybe some kind of cool bonus, other than the bonuses we already have from the PK'ing leaderboards (so preferably no bonus PKP on kill, chance on clues etc.).

A lot of new content is coming in a very short timespan, but we still need input before we can fully add it into the game. We're hoping for adequate community input to make sure players enjoy the new content & challenges :)

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Iron adam » Tue May 23, 2017 10:01 pm

Mike wrote:One idea I had is to make it heal the same as rocktails (23 HP), but without allowing you to go over your max HP and having another unique effect to make them worth it.
I like this idea. Don't do anything relating to poison or venom, as that doesn't make too much sense. Im sure someone will come up with a cool effect.
Mike wrote:Get 50 kills using any full Barrows set
I am concerned about this one, do you have to be wearing the full set for the ko? Or just have all the pieces in inv/on you. The only viable method of doing this would be dhing. None of the other sets have KO potential. Just something to think about.

Overall this looks like a really good update. I can certainly live with these requirments for comp. It ensures that players still have "completed" the wilderness, without taking an absurd amount of time.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by James » Tue May 23, 2017 10:02 pm

I've got like 5k kills and I'm fairly sure that I would barely have 100 kills at mage bank. Change that requirement to level 49+ wilderness (or whatever level it is north of the wilderness fence).

Edit: The 40 choc-ices from glacors seems a bit excessive too. As someone who plays purely to PK I don't really want to spend hours killing a thousand glacors.

Edit v2: PvP requirement - Kill your bounty hunter target 50 times.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Mike » Tue May 23, 2017 10:16 pm

James wrote:I've got like 5k kills and I'm fairly sure that I would barely have 100 kills at mage bank. Change that requirement to level 49+ wilderness (or whatever level it is north of the wilderness fence).

Edit: The 40 choc-ices from glacors seems a bit excessive too. As someone who plays purely to PK I don't really want to spend hours killing a thousand glacors.

Edit v2: PvP requirement - Kill your bounty hunter target 50 times.
Thanks a lot for your input! We certainly could use some more of this coming from people who PK a lot.

The main reason some of the PvP tasks would be (or might be) limited to Edgeville & Mage bank is to prevent people from boosting in some quiet corner of the wilderness. However, I wouldn't be opposed to simply using "North of the deep wilderness fence" as a restriction.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Rapsey » Tue May 23, 2017 10:17 pm

I'm hoping someone can come up with a few PvP challenges that require certain gear, or maybe better yet, challenges for which you can't use some equipment. PK'ers, if there's any items you'd like to see more or less of in the wilderness, here's your chance. Of course for the sake of simplicity it would be best to use things that are brief (i.e. cw armor, third-age etc) rather than having a list of 30 individual items.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Troll n roll » Tue May 23, 2017 10:19 pm

300 dragon bones is hardly anything if you consider noted dragon bones. Maybe increase this amount.

2 wildywyrm in a row is child's play. Definitely increase that amount.
Adam the lion wrote:If you are making super pots for profit on an rsps, you really need to re-evaluate your life.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by James » Tue May 23, 2017 10:22 pm

PvP requirement suggestion: Get 20 kills with only weapons and armour that is permitted in the oldschool portal. (worded poorly, you know what I mean)

PvP requirement suggestion: Get 50 kills whilst using the normal prayer book. (the 20 kills of suggestion #1 would overlap with this, meaning only 30 extra would be needed)

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Respire1337 » Tue May 23, 2017 10:37 pm

What if I am already halfway trough the 500 kill mark for the completionist cape? Do those not count anymore for the comp? And that would mean after the release of the diaries, that I would have to do all the tasks from scratch?

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Jelle » Tue May 23, 2017 10:47 pm

Respire1337 wrote:What if I am already halfway trough the 500 kill mark for the completionist cape? Do those not count anymore for the comp? And that would mean after the release of the diaries, that I would have to do all the tasks from scratch?
yes, everyone has to.

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Re: Wilderness achievements & additions

Post by Mike » Tue May 23, 2017 10:50 pm

Jelle wrote:
Respire1337 wrote:What if I am already halfway trough the 500 kill mark for the completionist cape? Do those not count anymore for the comp? And that would mean after the release of the diaries, that I would have to do all the tasks from scratch?
yes, everyone has to.
I played with the idea of allowing players to substitute certain PvP tasks with the 500 kills they have so far, but since a lot (if not most) of those are boosted anyway, we may want to have everyone redo all tasks. We haven't made a final decision on that yet.
