Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

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Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Yes, allow them to skip PvP tasks and complete 2x PvM/skilling tasks instead
No, don't allow them to skip the tasks
Undecided (or I simply don't care - just give us the achievements already)
Total votes: 124

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Iron adam » Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:12 pm

Leetyears wrote:I had a post here before someone deleted where i simply gave my opinion for x2 pvm. Please give this options to the player as increasing the wilderness pvm requirement will still bring activity to the wild. the vote shows more support for it than against but it seems if you write a post for the x2 pvm option it gets deleted.
Your post was deleted because it contained no information relevant to the Original Topic. You were spamming nonsense on all of the polls, so I deleted your posts. Your new post is actually on topic, so it stays.

That being said, this has already been decided against adding long ago. I'm sure Mike would still be open to adding it, but not a single person who voted yes has provided a compelling logical argument in support of this. As Mike said, the No voters have been more vocal. I suspect that is because of what Jousi touched upon:
Jousi wrote:Frankly, the 'Yes' voters are trying to rig the poll because they have nothing else to offer but "I don't want to PK".
If you want this added, make a compelling argument on why it would be justified.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by The underdog » Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:06 am

Can we do double pk tasks then?

The rng on these choc ice was half of the diary ffs. 20 ultra rare drops before 20 choc ice. Rather did 100 player kills.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Revenantduff » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:08 pm

Comp Cape on RS doesn't have a single PvP req, nor should it on here. You're able to do every other Comp req on your own, this should be no different. Some people just straight up don't like having to interact with other players.

But of course, if you change it, make it so that you can decide which route you want to go with the tasks.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Fungamer » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:25 pm

Revenantduff wrote:Comp Cape on RS doesn't have a single PvP req, nor should it on here.
? That's because pking on RS3 has completely died out and the developers and community dont even want to have it revived. Even then, not having to interact with other players is YOU limiting YOURSELF.

RS is a MMORPG. It's pretty much meant to be played by multiple players at the same time. Your argument is 100% invalid and would only make sense if RS was something like Far Cry where encountering other players is an option

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Iron adam » Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:32 pm

Fungamer wrote:
Revenantduff wrote:Comp Cape on RS doesn't have a single PvP req, nor should it on here.
? That's because pking on RS3 has completely died out and the developers and community dont even want to have it revived. Even then, not having to interact with other players is YOU limiting YOURSELF.

RS is a MMORPG. It's pretty much meant to be played by multiple players at the same time. Your argument is 100% invalid and would only make sense if RS was something like Far Cry where encountering other players is an option
And to add to this, RS3 PvP is nothing like Oldschool PvP. As far as I know, there is almost no pking scene on RS3. So it would make sense that they have no PvP requirement.
As a private server, we can decide for ourselves what we consider to be completing the game. Since their inception, Private servers have been pk centered. We have definitely moved away from that, but pking is still a huge part of the game. So it makes sense that in order to complete the game, you have to pk to some extent.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Revenantduff » Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:46 pm

Comp Cape came out looong before PvP died. It came out in mid 2011, a full year and a half before EoC.

Yeah, good gameplay, having to ::yell to get kills in full Barrows or Void.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Fungamer » Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:17 pm

Revenantduff wrote:Comp Cape came out looong before PvP died. It came out in mid 2011, a full year and a half before EoC.

Yeah, good gameplay, having to ::yell to get kills in full Barrows or Void.
:LOL: "Active PKing scene in 2011"
Free trade and wildy just came back.
I think the word you're looking for is cancer. The PKing scene back then was absolutely horrendous filled with nothing more than rushers rushing eachother.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Leetyears » Sun Sep 16, 2018 8:36 am

Admin adam wrote:
Fungamer wrote:
Revenantduff wrote:Comp Cape on RS doesn't have a single PvP req, nor should it on here.
? That's because pking on RS3 has completely died out and the developers and community dont even want to have it revived. Even then, not having to interact with other players is YOU limiting YOURSELF.

RS is a MMORPG. It's pretty much meant to be played by multiple players at the same time. Your argument is 100% invalid and would only make sense if RS was something like Far Cry where encountering other players is an option
And to add to this, RS3 PvP is nothing like Oldschool PvP. As far as I know, there is almost no pking scene on RS3. So it would make sense that they have no PvP requirement.
As a private server, we can decide for ourselves what we consider to be completing the game. Since their inception, Private servers have been pk centered. We have definitely moved away from that, but pking is still a huge part of the game. So it makes sense that in order to complete the game, you have to pk to some extent.

pvp is not affected negatively by pvm players spending more time in the wild completing the pvm x2. if your argument is it will somehow negatively impact pvp I would like your explanation. I understand the previous statements in this thread saying you have to be able to complete the pvp aspect to achieve the respected comp cape but how is this game gonna stay alive when the majority of players don't appreciate pvp and the only way to reach one of the biggest accomplishments is to do what they have voted against in this poll. Not everyone enjoys the same thing in RS so it may be wise to accommodate the pvm players knowing it will not hinder the minority pvp player. its a win win

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Iron adam » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:18 pm

Leetyears wrote:if your argument is it will somehow negatively impact pvp I would like your explanation.
That is not my argument. I think that PvP is a large enough part of runescape and even more so PkHonor, that it should be a requirement to "complete" the game.
Leetyears wrote:Not everyone enjoys the same thing in RS so it may be wise to accommodate the pvm players knowing it will not hinder the minority pvp player.
That's not the point though. The completionist cape is for players who have completed all aspects of the game. So, anyone who chooses not to participate in pvp, pvm, skilling, or any other piece of content, should not be able to obtain the reward for completing all of these things. This is effectively the same thing as a level 3 skiller complaining that they cant obtain a max cape. They chose to limit themselves. They should not get a reward for something that they have not achieved.

The real problem is the power of the completionist cape. With the benefits it gives, every pvmer and pker set it as a goal so they can get a massive advantage in their respective activities. In pking, it should really only have the stats of a max cape, no more. In pvp, the enchantments should be removed. That is the only way to make it "fair" to the Pvmers without rewarding them for not achieving something.

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Re: Should regular players be able to complete 2x PvM tasks?

Post by Leetyears » Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:19 pm

Admin adam wrote:
Leetyears wrote:if your argument is it will somehow negatively impact pvp I would like your explanation.
That is not my argument. I think that PvP is a large enough part of runescape and even more so PkHonor, that it should be a requirement to "complete" the game.
Leetyears wrote:Not everyone enjoys the same thing in RS so it may be wise to accommodate the pvm players knowing it will not hinder the minority pvp player.
That's not the point though. The completionist cape is for players who have completed all aspects of the game. So, anyone who chooses not to participate in pvp, pvm, skilling, or any other piece of content, should not be able to obtain the reward for completing all of these things. This is effectively the same thing as a level 3 skiller complaining that they cant obtain a max cape. They chose to limit themselves. They should not get a reward for something that they have not achieved.

The real problem is the power of the completionist cape. With the benefits it gives, every pvmer and pker set it as a goal so they can get a massive advantage in their respective activities. In pking, it should really only have the stats of a max cape, no more. In pvp, the enchantments should be removed. That is the only way to make it "fair" to the Pvmers without rewarding them for not achieving something.
I agree with the second part of your comment. The first part about not rewarding the pvm player for not completing all aspects of the game I don't believe is correct because the main goal of the server is to retain and grow not remain static on old policies that are not benefiting the majority and the "business" I would imagine the owner of this server wants growth and even old fashioned ideas while good at a time, the culture changes and you have to adapt. this is a pvm dominate server and this update would not hurt pvp.

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