20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

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20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Mike » Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:21 pm

Today's updates introduce several major changes to our in-game economy and the donator store. I'm sure not everyone will approve of them, but a lot of thought and discussion has gone into this and we have not made these decisions lightly. Keep in mind that we're always open to constructive feedback in order to better balance our game and economy. We are well aware that these changes will have a major impact on the profitability of several of our NPC's, but we feel these changes are way overdue. NPC profitability will soon be reevaluated and NPC drops will be adjusted in the near future in order to better balance their profitability.

Image Alching & the junk store

First and foremost, alch values are no longer tied to the street price of items. Alch values will now solely be determined by the developers in order to better balance the in-game economy, encourage player-to-player trading of looted items rather than dumping them into the junk store and to better balance the profitability of NPC's. For now, the initial high alch value of all items has been set to 25% the low street price.
As of now, the low alch value of an item is 80% of the high alch value and the junk store price is 60% of the high alch value. We have expanded the price checker interface (along with the ::prices command) so you can now also check the junk store price, low alch price and high alch price of any item, at any time, so you can always know how many coins you will receive before you proceed to alch an item.

Image Ticket tax & alching tickets

The 10% tax on buying 100M and 1B tickets has been removed. This means that a 1B ticket now costs 1000M coins and a 100M ticket now costs 100M coins.

100M, 500M and 1B tickets can now be alched. When doing so, they will turn into 100M, 500M and 1B coins respectively, regardless of whether you use low or high alchemy.

Image Donator store discount & changes

The second major change is found in our donator store. PkHonor has been around for over 10 years, yet the prices of the items in our donator store have remained largely unchanged over the years. We feel that the in-game prices of donator store items no longer properly reflect their actual value in terms of coins and have decided to do something about this.
As such, we have decided to temporarily lower the price of most of our donator store items with about 20% for an unspecified amount of time. Some items have been adjusted slightly differently, such as custom whips, depending on their actual in-game value. Cosmetic items have not been changed in value, except the gilded scimitar, which has been made significantly cheaper.
In the coming weeks and months, we will re-evaluate these price changes and decide whether to keep these reduced prices or to increase them again (and if so, whether to slightly increase them or put the prices back the way they were before). We cannot say at this point.

We have also made the following changes related to the donator store:
  • Premium members no longer receive a 500 credit discount on items priced 7500 credits and above. We made this decision because we noticed a lot of players were unaware of the discount and ended up buying 500 credits more than they actually needed.
  • As of now, selling your donator or premium status to the donator shop salesman will no longer cost any coins or credits. Instead, the status will be destroyed and you will receive 5 1B tickets on your account.
  • The Easter bunny, which would randomly give you a free item whenever you buy something in the donator store, has been removed from the game. All rewards that were otherwise given by the Easter bunny have now been added to the mystery box (premium status, easter ring, easter basket, scythe, fox, chicken, camel mask, jack lantern mask, reindeer hat, rubber chicken, bunny ears, fishbowl helmet, ninja monkey greegree and karamjan monkey greegree).

Ironman Mode players received some new donator-related features as well, without taking away from the spirit of the game mode. For starters, you can now transfer donator credits, donator status and premium status through regular trade to an Ironman account (the Ironman account cannot give anything in return).

Ironman Mode players can now purchase donator credits, donator status and premium status from the Grand Exchange.


One may argue that irons should not be able to buy anything from other players, but irons already can (and do) request other players to donate credits on their ironman account in return for coins that they give from a non-iron account. This means that trading credits to an ironman is currently already possible, but entails a certain risk as this is not a one-on-one trade. Allowing irons to buy credits directly from the Grand Exchange or through trade now makes these transactions safe and scam-proof.

Ironman Mode players can now purchase any custom whip from the donator store in exchange for a Custom whip voucher plus 5,000 credits (or 6,000 credits for a whip of souls, chaos or fortune). To obtain a custom whip voucher, talk to the donator shop salesman and trade in a custom whip or custom tentacle for a voucher.



Image Additional bank slots

The third major change is bigger banks. We have finally gotten around to reworking the way items are stored in our database (hence the 10 minute downtime during the update), allowing us to increase banks beyond the current limitation of 800 spaces. Thoby had already done some client-sided work in a previous update to make the visualization of this many bank slots possible.

At the same time, we have added a few measures to prevent players from using the refund box as an "extension" of their bank. For example, if you get a pet drop with a full inventory, the pet will now be put in your bank rather than your refund box. When this happens, your maximum bank size is ignored, so for example you could then have 1001/1000 items in your bank. The only exception is if you already have 2,000 items in your bank, in which case the dropped item will be put in your refund box like before.


In order to unlock additional bank slots, simply talk to any banker and ask them to increase your bank space. You will then need to pay 5K donator credits in order to unlock 50 additional slots. The next 50 slots will cost 10K credits, then 15K credits and so forth. Although expensive, it is possible to keep repeating this until you have 2,000 bank slots. Honor players receive 2,000 bank slots by default. As Ironman Mode players can now buy donator credits from other players, they also have the ability to unlock up to 2,000 bank slots.


Lastly, a small Quality of Life improvement has been made to the donator, vote, slayer, pest control, bounty hunter and theatre of blood stores. As of now, the amount of credits or points you have will be shown in the name of the store. The amount displayed will also update every time you buy something in the store.

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Church » Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:33 pm

Very interesting changes. I look forward to hearing the community input on this.

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Explozionz » Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:34 pm

holy shit

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Brant » Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:40 pm

Will this mean we won't get construction costume room added?

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Uim elon » Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:53 pm

My personal opinion.

The alchemy update is a bit far fetched and has a wide impact on the server. This substantially increases the difficulty for Ironman to obtain coins. Cutting the the alch value on most items by almost 60% hard to fathom. Just to put this in context. An Ironman has to obtain 16B worth of items to alch in order to obtain Donator Status and premium status, in comparison to having to obtain 6-7b worth of items.

Also, the compounding of the bank space purchasing is extremely excessive and creates a literally impossibility for players to ever reach the bank capacity.

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Will be ok2 » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:02 pm

I personally like the update, I would maybe like to see you being able to buy a custom whip voucher for an insane amount (30K) donor credits? But all in all. Good update.


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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Empty » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:02 pm

I went there and bought my chaos whip instantly, but i am really unsatisfied of the fact i didn't get it from an actual casket.. but atleast the nightmare is over now.

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Mike » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:18 pm

Xsquire1 wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:53 pm My personal opinion.

The alchemy update is a bit far fetched and has a wide impact on the server. This substantially increases the difficulty for Ironman to obtain coins. Cutting the the alch value on most items by almost 60% hard to fathom. Just to put this in context. An Ironman has to obtain 16B worth of items to alch in order to obtain Donator Status and premium status, in comparison to having to obtain 6-7b worth of items.

Also, the compounding of the bank space purchasing is extremely excessive and creates a literally impossibility for players to ever reach the bank capacity.
I understand that, and we knew that this change would have a huge impact on the current meta of several current money makers. I get that it's quite frustrating, but this change is something we need to better balance our economy and money makers in the long term. Alch prices are a pain right now, but we want to rebalance the game in such a way that people experience it as something positive.

As for the bank upgrade, there have been suggestions to make it even more expensive than it currently it, but we deemed that way too much. Either way, we will reevaluate the bank slot pricing in the future and lower it if needed (and we'll be sure to refund the difference to those who already bought it). Better this way than make it too cheap at first and having to make it more expensive later.

Will be ok2 wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:02 pm I personally like the update, I would maybe like to see you being able to buy a custom whip voucher for an insane amount (30K) donor credits? But all in all. Good update.
That just invites people with a rich main to buy credits on their main and transfer the credits to their ironman to get a custom whip just like that, and a lot of players did not approve of that idea when others brought it forward. Nobody really wants to take away from the achievement of obtaining a custom whip from clue caskets at this point, mostly they just want to be able to choose what custom whip they get.

There has been a lot of community discussion on the topic and the idea of trading in a custom whip (plus an additional cost) in return for another whip ultimately had the most support, that's why we went with it. None of the alternatives had nearly as much support.

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Mitrovic » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:21 pm

I think it's an interesting update for sure. Don't know what to think about the fact that irons now can buy a lot of new stuff, but I have to confess I made use of it already.

My biggest question: how are ironmen supposed to get 200m construction exp, let alone 2b? I'm lucky I alched a lot of scythes before, so I do have the cash, but for others suddenly it has become pretty impossible to get such a big cash stack, due to the high alch nerf. Now it looks like the rev cave is the only meta left to grind a big stack of tickets... However most of us agree that needs a nerf aswell...
Last edited by Mitrovic on Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 20 December Updates: Alch prices, donator store discount, ironman donations and bank slots

Post by Will be ok2 » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:25 pm

Can we also change the prices of donor credits? They never sold for 2.4M ea. The ::wealth is all messed up and could be very confusing for newer players who don’t know that they maintain 4M+ ea


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