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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:49 pm
by Marius0
1. In-game Name:Tekst tekst

2. First Name (Optional):Arturas

3. Time Played:375h

4. Donator\Prem\Regular:Premium

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvMer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:armadyl bandos chaos elemental and much more

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):Lif

8. Why do you wish to join:Like to pvm and get drops :D

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:13 pm
by Roxin10
1. In-game Name: Roxin10

2. First Name (Optional): Harold

3. Time Played: 53 hours

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: prem

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): pvmer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: yeah pretty much all bosses, my fav is corp

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Snipeselite, Lilbro88, and Marcos Bamf

8. Why do you wish to join: I just started playing a few weeks ago, so i decided i wanted to join apvm clan

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:28 pm
by Fsmurf46
1. In-game Name: lilbro88

2. Current Rank: recruit

3. Members recruited: gf you sir

4. How often do you PvM? like all the time

5. Why do you want to rank up? because i recruitet a player and i would love to be a higher rank in a real cc for once :D

6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for? don't get this question so my answer is :doge:

7. Who recommended this rank up? me :shock:

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:16 pm
by Cachazeiro
1. In-game Name: Cachazeiro

2. First Name (Optional):

3. Time Played: About 1 week

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Regular

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvMer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: I have some experience with bossing. Favorite boss is Bandos.

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Rgh

8. Why do you wish to join: I want to join because I want to be part of a clan that its members can helps each other better themselves within PkHonor. I want to better my gaming experience.

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:56 pm
by Mooloo
1. In-game Name: Mooloo

2. Current Rank: Recruit

3. Members recruited: 1 or 2 maybe 3

4. How often do you PvM? Everyday if i'm on

5. Why do you want to rank up? Been in clan for about 2 months now

6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for? I'm active almost everyday and try helping people out as much as I can

7. Who recommended this rank up? Noone

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:13 pm
by Miranda slim
1. In-game Name: Miranda Slim

2. Current Rank: recruit

3. Members recruited: -

4. How often do you PvM? when im on, i do pvm :)

5. Why do you want to rank up? because i like to help people where i can :)

6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for? helping people, being online as much as i can.. like 12 hours a day tho xD

7. Who recommended this rank up? Michael Slim

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:05 pm
by Skiilingson
1. Skillinson

2. John

3. 409 hours

4. Prem

5. PvM Untill atleast 2 maxed exp stats :)

6. Yes, alot. Nex with a good crowd, Bandos/Arma to solo

7. The99owner

8.Haven't played in a while, and playing RS alone is boring! Looking to PvM with other members and skill and whatever to pass the time

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:14 pm
by Drac0n1s
1. In-game Name: Draconis25

2. First Name (Optional): Michael *Lets go with this*

3. Time Played: 58 Hours

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Donator

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): Both I have Separate Accounts but I am rather on my Combat Character Mainly so PvMer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Those Dagnoths :3

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): & Noone Just Decided as I was just lingering in the clan &

8. Why do you wish to join: Looking to get involved with the community and everyone else and fill my bank!!

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:57 pm
by Hail hydra name : Hail Hydra
3.time played : 45 hours
6.Favorite: Corporal beast
7. roxin10
8.i want more experience and help for corporal a team to pvm with.

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:09 am
by Thatboysmith
1. In-game Name: thatboysmith

2. First Name (Optional):mike

3. Time Played: 54 hours

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: prem

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): pvm/skiller

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: I love all bosses

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): squire

8. Why do you wish to join: need a clan to hang out with and pvm