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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:39 am
by Raw neon
1. In-game Name: I Am Pato
2. First Name (Optional): Pato
3. Time Played: 921 Hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Premium
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvMer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Slain every boss a lot of times, know strategy for every boss also
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): No one
8. Why do you wish to join: starting to play alot more again and looking for a clan chat to have fun in and also go pvming alot with
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:01 am
by Cau
1. In-game Name:
2. First Name (Optional):
3. Time Played:
405 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):
used to be in
8. Why do you wish to join: looking for people to pvm and talk to
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:14 am
by Mad racoon
1. In-game Name: mad racoon
2. First Name (Optional):
3. Time Played:306 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:donator
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):pvm
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:bandos,barrelchest,zammy,arma,sara
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):mcdonkz
8. Why do you wish to join:i want a 24-7 clan :O
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:18 am
by Notalone
1. In-game Name: Notalone
2. First Name (Optional): Justin
3. Time Played: 390 hrs
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvM fo lyfe
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Yeah, I like dags and wildy wyrm.
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Pvm Tyler18
8. Why do you wish to join: I would like to build my account and hang out with the best.
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:36 pm
by Slow reload
1. In-game Name: slow reload
2. First Name (Optional): Jerry
3. Time Played: 164 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: donator
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): both
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: bandos
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): the99owner
8. Why do you wish to join: just love too pvm
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:48 pm
by Stayhigh420
1. In-game Name: stayhigh420
2. First Name (Optional): Dave
3. Time Played: 22 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Regular
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): skiller
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Pure joints
8. Why do you wish to join:my friend told me this is a good clann
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:08 pm
by Googoojack
1. In-game Name: Bandos Bomb
2. First Name (Optional): Jared
3. Time Played: 54 hours on this account, 600+ between other accounts
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:Regular now
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvMer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Nex, Corp, and Bandos
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): I used to be in the clan
8. Why do you wish to join: I'd like some nice People to hang out with and talk to while doing some PvMing and ofc to make money
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:04 pm
by Fishy5666
1. In-game Name: Buyingeffigy
2. First Name (Optional): Nick
3. Time Played: 30 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): pvmer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: i have basic experience with gwd as i only just re-started server and fav boss is corp
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): lofty7
8. Why do you wish to join: i like to join a chilled pvm clan
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:11 pm
by Methforlunch
1. In-game Name: Methforlunch
2. First Name (Optional): Brandon
3. Time Played: 69 hours as of 12:08 PM 12/7/15
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvM but I enjoy skilling
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: gwd, bandos is probably my favorite boss
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Lofty7 / James36
8. Why do you wish to join: Lofty is the coolest person I've met in my 64 hours of pkhonor, and he recommended this clan so it must be legit
Plus, I'm looking for players to run minigames and bosses with.
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:13 pm
by Gowx
1. In-game Name:GoWx
2. First Name (Optional):Wesley
3. Time Played:220
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:premium
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):pvmer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:gwd,corp,nex etc my favorite is nex.corp
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):buyingeffigy
8. Why do you wish to join:Because i am searching a pvm clan