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Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Zachonrsps
In game name :
First name IRL (optional) :
Normal, Donator or Premium status?
Prem Baby
Time played (::timeplayed) :
1402 hours
Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) :
Max cape
Recruiter :
Got Discord? Name and tag :
Tell us a bit about you :
Hey what's going on guys, Zach here. I'm a shit youtuber who loves to afk, take long walks on the beach, and heckle pkers!

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:52 am
by Its buble
Zachonrsps wrote:In game name :
First name IRL (optional) :
Normal, Donator or Premium status?
Prem Baby
Time played (::timeplayed) :
1402 hours
Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) :
Max cape
Recruiter :
Got Discord? Name and tag :
Tell us a bit about you :
Hey what's going on guys, Zach here. I'm a shit youtuber who loves to afk, take long walks on the beach, and heckle pkers!
Accepted! Welcome brother.

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:40 am
by Raider klan
In game name : raider klan

First name IRL (optional) : eddy

Normal, Donator or Premium status? idk

Time played (::timeplayed) : 760

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : yes

Recruiter : yes

Got Discord? Name and tag : yes

Tell us a bit about you : yes hi

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:32 am
by I tooka
In game name : I tooka

First name IRL (optional) : Thomas

Normal, Donator or Premium status? Donor about to get prem

Time played (::timeplayed) : 183 hours currently

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : almost at that max cape boiiii

Recruiter : Its buble's spam in yell

Got Discord? Name and tag : Thomy#3246

Tell us a bit about you : Currently Semi AFKing Jad, Heavily sarcastic and very trustworthy

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:41 am
by Tom061202
Raider klan wrote:In game name : raider klan

First name IRL (optional) : eddy

Normal, Donator or Premium status? idk

Time played (::timeplayed) : 760

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : yes

Recruiter : yes

Got Discord? Name and tag : yes

Tell us a bit about you : yes hi
I tooka wrote:In game name : I tooka

First name IRL (optional) : Thomas

Normal, Donator or Premium status? Donor about to get prem

Time played (::timeplayed) : 183 hours currently

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : almost at that max cape boiiii

Recruiter : Its buble's spam in yell

Got Discord? Name and tag : Thomy#3246

Tell us a bit about you : Currently Semi AFKing Jad, Heavily sarcastic and very trustworthy
Both accepted, welcome to Inquisitors!

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:29 pm
by Fallen mud
In game name :fallen mud

First name IRL (optional) :

Normal, Donator or Premium status? normal

Time played (::timeplayed) :61

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : -

Recruiter : its buble

Got Discord? Name and tag : no

Tell us a bit about you : from estonia

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:41 pm
by Ixhal
In game name : ixhal

First name IRL (optional) : Alan

Normal, Donator or Premium status? Premium member.

Time played (::timeplayed) : 201 Hours on my main account (ixhal) 190 hours on my old account.

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) :Max cape.

Recruiter :its buble (nerd)

Got Discord? Name and tag : IxHal#8102

Tell us a bit about you : I have played PkHonor since late 2012 with big breaks, I know a lot about the game and how its played! I'm 23 years old and I live in England! please accept me so I can be loved.

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:38 pm
by Youdiedfast
In game name : xcedric

First name IRL (optional) : Cédric

Normal, Donator or Premium status? Premium

Time played (::timeplayed) : 592

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : Max cape and Death, getting comp soon

Recruiter : Bubble on yell

Got Discord? Name and tag : /

Tell us a bit about you : I don't talk that much

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:45 pm
by Policeman69
In game name :policeman 69

First name IRL (optional) : Phil

Normal, Donator or Premium status? normal

Time played (::timeplayed) : (i have multiple accounts so cant really tell you on timeplayed)

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) :-

Recruiter :otium

Got Discord? Name and tag :Top#8712

Tell us a bit about you :I just like to pvm and need to find more active people who like doing what i do. Even though im not the best at pvming im down to learn and become better at it

Re: Inquisitors - New community based clan - Events & Fun

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:03 pm
by Its buble
Fallen mud wrote:In game name :fallen mud

First name IRL (optional) :

Normal, Donator or Premium status? normal

Time played (::timeplayed) :61

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : -

Recruiter : its buble

Got Discord? Name and tag : no

Tell us a bit about you : from estonia
Ixhal wrote:In game name : ixhal

First name IRL (optional) : Alan

Normal, Donator or Premium status? Premium member.

Time played (::timeplayed) : 201 Hours on my main account (ixhal) 190 hours on my old account.

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) :Max cape.

Recruiter :its buble (nerd)

Got Discord? Name and tag : IxHal#8102

Tell us a bit about you : I have played PkHonor since late 2012 with big breaks, I know a lot about the game and how its played! I'm 23 years old and I live in England! please accept me so I can be loved.
Youdiedfast wrote:In game name : xcedric

First name IRL (optional) : Cédric

Normal, Donator or Premium status? Premium

Time played (::timeplayed) : 592

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) : Max cape and Death, getting comp soon

Recruiter : Bubble on yell

Got Discord? Name and tag : /

Tell us a bit about you : I don't talk that much
Policeman69 wrote:In game name :policeman 69

First name IRL (optional) : Phil

Normal, Donator or Premium status? normal

Time played (::timeplayed) : (i have multiple accounts so cant really tell you on timeplayed)

Death, Comp cape, Max cape (if applicable) :-

Recruiter :otium

Got Discord? Name and tag :Top#8712

Tell us a bit about you :I just like to pvm and need to find more active people who like doing what i do. Even though im not the best at pvming im down to learn and become better at it
All accepted, Welcome to the clan guys!