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Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:29 pm
by Saryn
Never played the test servers so dont know if this is common but lost souls are spawning in spots they cant move from.

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:13 pm
by Saryn
Ok idk how the new vls is supposed to be better but me and Aku were testing and we found the old vls still drains stats, has the same stats, but the new vls doesnt drain stats. How is the vls changed? Just an accuracy decrease on spec?

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:15 pm
by Saryn
we also cant get the loot keys to show up even after turning it on

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:30 pm
by Bloodiedrx
I've found some visual bugs (ign is Bloodiedrx)

When dying Skulled in Wildy with a Larran JR. or Lucky Larran Jr. - The pet drops to the ground and uses a large sprite instead of disappearing like normal

Torag's Set is visually missing the T

Keys are also not spawning when killing another player- The Loot drops instead.

Also please add a collection log for the Bounty Hunter boxes you can receive from Larrans.

Here I will post two photos. 500 Larran's Big Chests without bounty, whip, lucky pet, and ring of wealth, and 500 Larran's WITH all the aforementioned items.
500 Chests

1000 Chests

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:31 pm
by Raj
Bloodiedrx wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:30 pm When dying Skulled in Wildy with a Larran JR. or Lucky Larran Jr. - The pet drops to the ground and uses a large sprite instead of disappearing like normal
I pushed a fix for this, thanks for reporting it. @Nazuths

Second issue seems to only be for the noted Torag set, and I think it was a cache update thing.

Keys Niels will have to look at when he's available...

Can you elaborate on the issue with the 500 chests?

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 4:05 pm
by Akuizm
Also, can LMS be 1 ip? Its pretty easy to boost

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:07 pm
by Hunterhonour
IGN: Hunterhonour

Bug 1 (Visual): Loot key interface is transparent, you can only loot the items 1 by 1 by clicking on them. I tried all screen resolutions on my 1600x900 monitor and it's still transparent.

Couldn't post the IMG here so here is a link:

Bug 2 (Gameplay): Killing the mimic and opening the casket after doesn't give any reward.
That mimic wasn't spawned on completion of a clue scroll.

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:28 pm
by Raj
Hunterhonour wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:07 pm Bug 2 (Gameplay): Killing the mimic and opening the casket after doesn't give any reward.
That mimic wasn't spawned on completion of a clue scroll.
Did you spawn in the Mimic casket?

Code: Select all

                c.sendMessage("That Mimic wasn't spawned on completion of a clue scroll");
                c.sendMessage("Please post a bug report");
                if (Server.isTestServer()){
                    c.sendMessage("Try ::spawnclues and ::finishclues if you're trying to test the Mimic.");

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 6:45 pm
by Hunterhonour
IGN: Hunterhonour

I found more bugs:

Bug 1 (Visual): You lose your skull icon when you get a key, you get the icon back if you loot/destroy the key. Dying with an invisible skull still counts as being skulled.

Bug 2 (Key duping): If you have 2 keys on you and you kill someone with 5 keys. You get a total of 5 keys in your inventory, So you looted 3 and 2 are missing and they dont go to the ground. Some keys have the loot of the 5 keys from the killed player. 1 of them is his key and inside you find his loot + 5 more keys. The keys found inside his chest have a value of 0 and you can only get rid of them by destroying them.

So, there was supposed to be a total of 7 keys, 2 with the killer and 5 with the killed. The killer gets 3 and 2 of them disappear so he now has 5, the killed drops a key with 5 keys so its a total of 10 keys (-2 of the deleted ones so 8).

The killed's chest with 5 keys + my inventory with 3 of his initial 5 keys:

The 5 new keys from the killed's chest/key that have 0gp and you can loot them and have more than 5 keys in your inventory
Extra stuff that I don't know if it's intended or not? (probably not):
If you have loot keys disabled and kill someone with 1 or more loot keys, you only get his items on the ground and his keys are deleted so no extra loot from them.

Killing someone with keys and you have 5 keys only drops his inventory to the ground and his keys get destroyed.

That's what I got so far, I'll keep testing and posting a new post whenever I find something.
EDIT (UNRELATED): Idk why one of the images are dupped, it's my first time using the forum.

Re: Wilderness Changes - Bughunter contest

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 6:58 pm
by Hunterhonour
IGN: Hunterhonour
Back already, if I'm spamming the post let me know, I'll edit one of my replies for future bugs if any.

Bug (gameplay): Ironmen can turn on the loot keys (which is fine like in 07). You can kill someone and get his loot key BUT you can also loot the key which means you can trade items from a normal account to an Ironman account.