Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

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Do you agree with the below Dark Crab suggestion?

I agree with trading Cooked Dark Crabs at the resource area for Cooked Rocktails
I agree with trading Cooked Dark Crabs at the resource area, but for Raw Rocktails
I don't agree with trading them at the resource area
I agree with 22 HP healing and no added bonus
I don't agree with 22 HP, should be 23 HP (no added bonus)
I don't agree with 22 HP, should be 23 HP + leech protection
I don't agree with 22 HP, should be 23 + 5 prayer points
Total votes: 66

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Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Mike » Fri Nov 17, 2017 12:47 pm

I've given the whole Dark Crabs conundrum some more thought and I have come up with another solution which I'll hoping will be fitting for our game. But as always, this requires community approval. Aside from the XP, there is not yet a clear consensus on them in the previous poll.

Here's the new suggestion: Dark Crabs grant 14,100 fishing XP + 9,400 cooking XP, heal for 22 hitpoints without any added bonuses and the cooked ones can be traded in for cooked (or even Raw) rocktails at the NPC inside the resource area (the one that can also note your items). Players would also have a small chance at receiving a stack of noted choc-ice when they trade them in (the stack amount depending on how many Crabs you give), making them the most valuable fish in the game.

For your information, choc-ice works the exact same way as Rocktails (heal for 23 HP), but they can overheal for 11 HP instead of 10.

Furthermore, players who decide to stack up on Raw Dark Crabs to sell them on the GE will also lead to other players having to return the Cooked Dark Crabs to the resource area to trade them in for Rocktails, adding an extra risky trip for PK'ers to prey upon.

Lastly, the wilderness resource area update will also have us review our items lost on death, since you can currently keep up to 3 (or 4) stacks of items, rather than the 3 individual items in OSRS (so if you have nothing on your but a stack of 500 noted Dark Crabs, you'd keep 3 and lose the other 497). A change we probably should have made a long time ago.

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Keiler05 » Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:04 pm

no.. leave the items kept on death to stack... come on.... lol

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Tezey » Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:32 pm

Keiler05 wrote:no.. leave the items kept on death to stack... come on.... lol
I agree.

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Pim » Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:33 pm

Tezey wrote:
Keiler05 wrote:no.. leave the items kept on death to stack... come on.... lol
I agree.
I want to type this respectfully and appropriate but i cant. F U C K OFF. This is no debate wether it should be fixed or not, its a glitch and has to be patched. Gj Mike! :thumbsup:
There is otherwise no risk to go even fishing there? You can just fish 100k of em without banking (considering you can note them and you'll keep the stack)

I think these benefits wont harm the server and will make the crabs appealing to fish, lets get 2b Fish n Cook!

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Respire1337 » Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:47 pm

Keiler05 wrote:no.. leave the items kept on death to stack... come on.... lol
No^^ . Also, what about trading x amount of cooked dark crabs for a chance of getting 1 piece of the angler's outfit( http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wik ... 27s_outfit ), but the bonus experience would be double of what it is on the wiki page( so 5% for the full set*this bonus works to every fishing spot, not only to the wilderness one* something not too overpowered , since we might have better experience rates in wilderness, also the set would be untradeable and always lost on death). Having the full set while fishing dark crabs would also have a passive effect of catching noted raw rocktails instead of a dark crab( you can get from 1 to 3 noted raw rocktails, with a catch rate of 1 in 100 dark crabs caught* not sure if it's too low of a rate or too high of a rate*). The addition of this set would also mean more work put towards releasing the resources area. I have no idea how long it will take, but would be , at least in my opinion, a really good thing.

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Tezey » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:09 pm

Counterret wrote:
Tezey wrote:
Keiler05 wrote:no.. leave the items kept on death to stack... come on.... lol
I agree.
I want to type this respectfully and appropriate but i cant. F U C K OFF. This is no debate wether it should be fixed or not, its a glitch and has to be patched. Gj Mike! :thumbsup:
There is otherwise no risk to go even fishing there? You can just fish 100k of em without banking (considering you can note them and you'll keep the stack)

I think these benefits wont harm the server and will make the crabs appealing to fish, lets get 2b Fish n Cook!
I'm so tired of these "glitches". They're not glitches... Why do we have to be exactly like osrs? It's a feature of pkhonor. This one sure can be "fixed" the same way as osrs i don't really care, but there are many other "gltiches". For example the Armadyl poison "glitch". It's a feature of pkh and therefore a suggestion should be made if we want to change it or not, not report it as a glitch and "fix" it so it's like osrs.

This is pkhonor, not osrs.

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Pim » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:36 pm

^ idk who this randy is but you're more clueless then a fish in a bowl.

@ Tezey, whats the risk of fishing in the wilderniss then? Thats just a load of xp without risk. This is different.. its a glitch because it benefits one party too much.. Its legit a misscode that brings too much benefits for everyone with stacks. We can't kill you for the loads xp u just got, so theres a possibility to get your loot. Its stupid if you're protected for both xp and loot, dont u think?

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Mike » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:53 pm

The upcoming "noted items on death" change is absolutely necessary to make the wilderness resource area have any kind of PK'ing benefits, especially since we are including an NPC that can note items. It's in everyone's favour and we cannot have a completely risk-free feature in the wilderness, that's simply not an option.

Furthermore, there is a big difference between ease of access (such as the extra teleports and easy runecrafting altar access) and differences in game mechanics. No, we don't have to be exactly like OSRS, but it's usually better when certain core mechanics don't differ too much. The difference in items lost on death never seemed to make much of a difference PK'ing wise, but it will now that we're adding the resource area with an NPC to note items. That's already agreed upon by the community.
We wouldn't be doing this change *just* to be like OSRS. The main reason is because it benefits the server as a whole. Having it more like OSRS is simply an added benefit.

In any case, here's your poll. But please, think before you vote.

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Ruler » Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:36 am

Awesome idea that makes dark crabs interesting while not causing the same problems as previous suggestion (custom effects for newer players can cause confusion etc)

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Re: Dark Crabs alternative suggestion

Post by Iron adam » Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:57 am

Sounds like a fine way to do it.
